


Planta 5. Él entra en el ascensor.
Planta 4. Ella entra en el ascensor.
Planta 3. Se reconocen, se sonríen, se saludan con la cabeza.
Planta 2. Han coincidido antes en clase, en un bar, en un concierto, en un supermecado...
Planta 1. Ella abandona el ascensor sin decir nada.
Planta 0. Él abandona el ascensor.

...en un supermercado, en un ascensor...


"¡Javier!" llorando de alegría mientras abraza a Javier con locura. "Pero, ¿cómo? ¡Gracias a Dios! ¡Estás vivo!"

"Me quedé dormido, perdí mi avión," contrariado por el estado de su madre. "¿Qué te pasa?"

"Lo vi en las noticias... Tu avión... Un accidente..." Besando una y otra vez el rostro de Javier.

"¿¡Cómo!?" exaltado. "Voy a llamar a Lucía, seguro que ella también ha visto las noticias..."

Unas horas antes:

"Lucía, ¿estás segura de lo que vas a hacer?"

"Sí, me acaban de decir que hay una plaza para mí, y por primera vez en mi vida estoy enamorada," sonriendo. "Tendrías que haber visto la cara de Javier ayer cuando se despidió de mí..."


"I love you," he says.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"No" he answers. "But if I'm not, why can't I stop thinking about you?"

"I don't think she's gonna understand this, she's my friend..." Looking down.

"I'm not doing this because of you..."


"Do you like ants? Stop playing with them and go..."

"Where? We're fine here. It's not dinner time yet and I love being in the beach when the night falls..."

"Are you gonna hit on those German girls tonight?"

"Can't you think about something else?" He stares at an ant that is walking on the palm of his hand. "Maybe..."

"If you eat it I pay you a drink tonight..."

"Ok, let's go," he leaks his hand, stands up, starts walking. "You owe me a drink..."


He thrown the knife away and only then realized. He fell in front of him. Blood in his hand. A dead body laying on the floor. Inhale. Exhale. Choke.

"It was him or me, it was him or me, it was him or me, it was him or me, it was him or me..." He could listen to his beats. Silence. Beat. Breath.

Cold. Low back pain. White. Her smell. Her voice. Her taste. Her skin. Her eyes. Sorrow. Red. Black. Down.

"It is me."

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